Copyright Henrik Brotherus

Copyright Henrik Brotherus

Find space and be still. And connect to a place deep within

I’m on a journey in trying to find my voice in photography, and possibly more of myself along the way. My images aim to portray a world that I seek; one that is simple, silent, and devoid of the noise that increasingly dominates our complicated and distracted lives. I like to give my subjects space for them to breathe, just like I need to find space so that my soul can breathe. Photography gives me the silence that I increasingly desire. It is my form of meditation.

My images are often not true interpretations of what my camera sees, but more importantly to me, they are true interpretations of what I saw, the feelings I want to evoke, or the stories that I wish to tell. Ultimately I aim to produce images with a vision to inspire people to simplify their lives and appreciate the very few things that truly matter, and bring us a feeling of contentment. By focusing on being happy with less. It’s this underlying vision that guides the choices I make in my photography, along with my heart and intuition.

You can hear a little about my photography journey on episode 10 of the Light Minded podcast where I was privileged to be interviewed by iconic Australian Landscape Photographer Christian Fletcher, and show co-host, Carwyn. Listen on Buzzsprout or on Apple Podcasts. Alternatively, Helen Lang shares some very eloquent words about my work here. ***Strictly no use of AI on this website***

Guiding Principles

1. Infuse myself within my work - Strive to transpire my emotions and mood thru the images I create, and express how I perceive the world around me.
2. Create for myself - Create images that “I” find personally satisfying
3. Strive for authenticity - Always aim to pursue authentic work that is honest and true to myself and my underlying vision. Strive to communicate ideas, messages and feelings that originated within.
4. Be an acute observer - Enter a scene with no preconceived images in mind or expectations, and instead approach a scene with an open mind and be fully observant and present in the moment.
5. Shoot from my heart - Use my heart and intuition as my internal guiding compass, not a set of “rules”.